Golf Club Kyn¾vart

Strona G³ówna : Mistrzostwa Klubu RKG&CC : Golf Club Kyn¾vart
  1. Golf Club Kyn¾
  2. Golf Club Kyn¾vart+420 733 612 901
  3. Golf Club Kyn¾
GR I. 0-12
Mistrz Pola HCP
GR II. 12-18
Mistrz Pola HCP
GR III. 18-24
Mistrz Pola HCP
GR IV. 24-54
Mistrz Pola HCP

Brak rankigu zawodników do wy¶wietlenia dla tego pola

The beautiful, 18-hole, fully irrigated course, labelled GENIUS LOCI, is with its design an unforgettable experience for most players. It is no accident that every hole has its own name and story. With its beautiful appearance and the quality of the playing areas, the course is ranked among the TOP courses in the Czech Republic.

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GolfPlus Partner G³ówny
GolfPlus Partner G³ówny
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GolfPlus Partner Medialny
GolfPlus Partner Medialny
GolfPlus Partner Medialny
GolfPlus Partner Medialny


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